Fishing the New York Bight for over 40 years. His Extensive knowledge of : NYC & offshore waters, fish species, boat & electronics and safety procedures will assure you a safe and productive day on the deep blue!. Captain Joe Specializies in Jig & Pop Tuna Fishing and Fly Fishing, other techniques include Live Bait and Trolling. Pro Staff: Shimano, Nomad Design Tackle , Hogy Lures and Seaguar Line
Fishing the New York Bight for over 40 years. His Extensive knowledge of : NYC & offshore waters, fish species, boat & electronics and safety procedures will assure you a safe and productive day on the deep blue!. Captain Joe Specializies in Jig & Pop Tuna Fishing and Fly Fishing, other techniques include Live Bait and Trolling. Pro Staff: Shimano, Nomad Design Tackle , Hogy Lures and Seaguar Line